Expert Advice To Help You Learn To Fly...
To many of us the appeal of flying an aircraft is so strong, and to some it has even become an ambition, that they want to find out the next steps to take in learning how to fly. There are a number of sites that offer various types of advice on this subject but they do not always provide a combination of expert, unbiased, comprehensive or clear and easy to understand information to help find out what it takes to become a pilot.
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Aircraft Types
Aircraft Types: Introduction to Gliding, Ballooning, Fixed Wing-Aeroplane, Rotary:...
Flying Tests & Ground Exams
Flying Tests & Ground Exams: Navigation for the Private Pilot, Air Law for the...
Getting Started
Getting Started: Choosing and Joining a Flying Club, Preparation For Flying Lessons,...
Obtaining Your Licence
Obtaining Your Licence: How to Obtain Your Private Pilot's Aeroplane...
Safety: Flight Safety, Limitations of Your Pilot's Licence, Flying Equipment...
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