Planning Your Flying Training
Stephen Covey talks about beginning with the end in mind and this is never more important than when planning your flying training. There are a number of considerations that will influence where and even when you start to fly.
There is no getting away from the fact that starting to fly represents a significant financial commitment. When planning your flying training you need to be aware of your finances. To obtain your pilot's licence in the shortest possible time and therefore, with the minimum of financial outlay, you need continuity in instruction. Ideally your financial situation will allow you to fly more than once a week but a weekly lesson is a bare minimum. Begin to plan your flying training by making adequate financial provision to pay for regular lessons.Location
Take into consideration where you will be undergoing your flight training. Some student pilots who are free from mortgage and family commitments will even relocate to be closer to their training airfield. This isn't possible for most people as they have work and have other considerations to factor in to their planning process. Do select an airfield that is close enough to home that you can travel there easily and regularly.Equipment
When planning your flying training do not be tempted to rush out and invest in a lot of equipment. Wait until your instructor has made recommendations. Although technology has improved considerably in recent years, it has been known for there to be compatibility problems with different types of headsets and if you run off and purchase a gleaming new Peltor set only to find your Instructor favours Dave Clarks there may be a potential problem. Many flying schools and clubs have notice boards with items for sale posted on them. It may be that you can buy a lot of what you need second-hand. There is no shame in this. No self-respecting pilot ever pays more than he or she needs for any equipment.Time
Learning to fly is a big time commitment. It is an activity that is very weather dependent, especially in the early days. As part of your planning you may want to investigate the possibility of arranging flexible working hours in order that you can take advantage of mid week weather slots. Also, flying schools and clubs are invariably much quieter mid week than they are at weekends and if you are able to fly in these quieter times you will find that your instructor has more time to devote to answering your questions.It is not only the flying hours that will eat into your time. There will also be considerable studying to be done in what used to be your free time. If you have family commitments you will need to negotiate a break from household duties to find the additional time you need.
By making proper preparations for your flying training; by thinking through all implications, you can maximise the value you receive for every pound spent. Don't waste money by starting your training only to find that a new work project or a new baby or some other foreseeable event impedes your progress - you will simply be wasting money and frustrating your ambitions.
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